King of Bongo Bong

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Kitty Pictures

Dunno y.. but funky love to take pictures of ppl sleeping.. yea all the kitties....

george sleeping Posted by Hello

me sleeping Posted by Hello

ren sleeping Posted by Hello

Sunday, November 21, 2004

M'sia Trip - jing jing kut chut kut chut

Yea... and we've got a new term to describe things.. "Jing Jing Kut Chut Kut Chut" - Birdy Saliva's Saliva.... no one except the fearsome eagles will know this term.. Just came back from M'sia man, gotta write down my thoughts for the trIp b4 i foRget. There's many parts to the tRip - here goeEs

1. Super Jam in Singapore - and its super, gotta walk all the way to the immigration.
2. Super ugly Taxi Drivers that refuse to fetCh us - ya.. and they are ugly, greedy, smelly and everything bad. Totally hate taxi drivers in m'sia
3. Gotta take bus to George's homE - Bus drivers in M'sia are kool! They plan their own bus routes, unlike Singapore busses, that can only take fixed routes.
4. George Home:
i. Met his friendly, but smelly rottweiler(Black dog, short tail).
ii. Climbed our way in to George's housE
iii. Sam's Heroics:
a. Tried to talk to the fierce dog - but george's aunty, normally
calmed and composed, shouted "KA MER LAR!!!!"(Faster u
ass in Hokkien) at Sam.
iv. Taegukgi in George's Bro's roOM.. while waiting for George's mum to come
v. Gave up, took a bus to the Battlefield aka City Plaza aka street soccer court
5. Super Ugly Taxi Drivers Part 2 - And yEs... They are ugly and Greedy and shitty. Waiting 20 mins but there's no Taxi around
6. Took bus to City Square - Yea bus drivers are kool........ and friendly
7. Super Ugly Taxi Drivers Part 3 - Finally got some Taxis to bring us over, but still, they are ugly+greedy+smelly+piggish+act fierce+Syndrome+i dun like them. Charged us 7 buckS for a journey of less than 3km.. waT tHe hEll, Tried to pAy $5, buT confronted us. Sam was there to save the day agAIn, took ouT 7 bUcKs and threw at the dRiVer... woOOOOoo... He wanted to fighT, buT waT can he Do? We are the feaRsome Eagles. He can only take the money and curse and swEaR, but it's ok, everything in ouR mind is reACh level 3A and play socceR.
8. Futsal @ City Plaza - Soccer staRted. Dominated, gOal-fRenzY, gReaT sAVes, Sam Soon, Lee Khee Wei, Leong Chee hOng, Low Yong Seng, Passes, ShoTs, FormAtion, Black Black Black+White White White+Black Black Black+ Stone Stone Stone all the wAY, Winning StreAKs, pissEd ofF opPoneNts, Chai Monk-and-hiS-skilLS-tAt- 'sUrprise'-mE-eVeryTime, Nalgene that pRoved to be uNbReakablE, wHack LEg, Lobang fUnkydoG, bAll sKin that cuT mY cHeST, $200 for 2.5 hRs, Excel SporTs dRink, Cup NoodlEs, Milo, Peir first time join uS, Hong Cai Mei Mei hen Hai Yo.. ---- Are among the things that happen there. To sUm up, the Fearsome Eagle Team doMinaTed the coUrt, all the resentment wIth the Ugly Taxi dRivers wErE gOne within that 2.5 hRs.
9. Makan @ Zorro - wOo...2am alreaDy, lim teh abiT @ Zorro, diStuRb luCky'S Nephew.. Haha... Basically juSt changing his mindset, from an innocent young little Jack-Jack in the pram to Devillish Jack Jack that kiLLed SyndRome.
10. TaegUkGi @ FunkyDog's hOme - Bathed, talked about ghosts, talked about CAMPS, talked aboUT loVe, Life, Sex, and Bananas. Ate the Cup Noodles we stoled earlier back in Nan Hua Primary sChool, and conTinued toking aboUt the Sun, Sand and the Sea. Slept. WatChed hoW bARca kIlled Real Madrid by 3 Goals to noNe. Slept again, Called and continueD to the Highlight of the M'sia Trip - Melting
11. Melting @ Melting Noodle Shop - Yes, I am bACk to my Childhood Fav nooDle sTall. Makan 2 bOwlS oF mEltinG nooDles and we weRe on oUr wAY baCk to SingapOre
12. Adios!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The fearsome me Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

1st day @ work

Only 3 words to describe it ... Slack, slack, sLaCk...

That was what i did for work today.. Gotta start work @ 830, but they told me.. "next time come @ 930" supposed to knock off from work @ 615, but here i am @ home writing by blog @ 630.. Luch is 1 hr - it excludes arcade time and travelling time - totalled up to arnd 2.5 hRs... Eye powered my way - all the way...

Lastly, i discovered some side effects of Flu today - it causes a nipple-steam.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Back from Camp

Wooo.... hAd a wonderful time camping in Sentosa.... Well... Here's how the camp went..

Day 1
Travelled to Nan Hua Pri in MRT, met up with Fraddy --- I was late... Ran all the way to Marsiling MRT from home, and guess wat? I was just in time....
ReaChed Nan Hua pri and proceeded to Sentosa not long after.... started those cheering stuff and flags creation group was quite dead initially..... made me dead too... but tat's ok...proceeded to the beach for beaCh telemaTch. Well.... a dead team can't win maTches. But guess what?? i wasn't dead but in fact, i was ALIVE!!! y? coz.... that girl in yellow bikini said Hi to me.... hAhahhAHhahHAhahHAHAh .. wOOooOOooO. but given my die die act cool nature.. i just wore my oaks and walked away... but must give that girl some pride mar... hahHAhhAHha... i tuRned arnd and waved bACk... woOOoOOoOo... Well, break camp in Nan Hua Pri @ arnd evening - but that's where the fun thing begin. Brother-and-sister-hooded with the instructors--all 15 of us squeezed into Charle's porsche(a white van). Went all the way frOm Clementi to Harbour Front.. In the cAR... i tRied my best not to fARt....All muggul's fault man.... gave me so muCh curry the day b4... well thank GOD, i didn't faRt... alighted from that porsche, legs were numb, butt was numb.. Had dinner @ Pastamania, den went baCk to sentosa for debrief. I fell asleep during the debrief... the next thing i knew..... it was silent, my body was heavy, couldn't move, couldn't breathe. I woke up. Everybody was looking @ me... i saw a camera. i still couldn't move//3 guys were on top oF me........ they took a photo oF me ... all rite tat's it... i'm gonna look like shit in the photo. Took a bATh @ the beACh -- sleep

Day 2..
Woke up @ arnd 730. Met the campers in sentosa, brought them over to the beACh. Had bReakfast and we began the 1st activity for the day -- Amazing race. Everything went smoothly - just that the bad-teaCher-in-charge-that-will-do-anything-to-complain was following mE... well gotta act abit -- can't slack. She went to BK for lunCh.. yes! it's time for me and my gRp to escape from her!! Brought my gRoup to Siloso beACh, where all the babes are there, den to sunset bay, den baCk to palawan beaCh. One of my female members saw a hunk..... got mesmerized -- and knocked herself against a post. HAHahahAHhahAHhaha. Made fun of her all the way bACk to the bEaCh. Next activity - rafting... Made the raft.. buT it Rained aka downpoured soon. I did not hav a poncho.. so i took a thrash bag and use it as my rain coat. It was then there my impression of Michelle changed. She thinks tat she's so pretty, offered her a poncho.. she turned down the oFfer. den sat on the bench under the rain -- kool?? nAH... sTupiD and uGly?? yEa! after the rain, had rafting and break camp. This is when the 7 hero story came aboUt. Me, Fraddy, Rudi(Roodey), Charles, Ben, Bruce, Jeremy. We were eating the leftover food beside the bin when it downpoured again. We hid in a small hut. waited for a bus.. it came. ran for it.. but it was Full!!!!!! ran baCK to the huT - drenChed - soAked - broTherhooD abiT.. tok some cRAp. Den Rudi pee-ed. quite faRni though. he pulled his diCk ouT of a small gap in the hut and started peeing. We shared a lollipop. disturbed the girls that were neaR us and tot oF the perfect story to bluFf the ppl bACk in camp. That was went the rain stopped.. played the revolution thingy @ the playgRnd.. we turned and turneD... was dizzy... the bus came.... hahahaah .. i ran like a crab man..hahahahaha...the bus was north... i tried to run straight, but was running north-east...buT the revolution thing was fun. in the bus.. we left a space for 'the perfect beach babe to sit'.. tat was wat we tot.. hahaha... 5 mins later.. a little boy with lollipop was sitting thERe.... morale became 100%/100%. Had debrief bACk in camp. Dinner in some mall place... and went hOMe... tiRed .... but i guesS it's worth iT.

here's my song for today...:
Uncle Auntie bang wo mai tissue paper hau ma?? 1 dollar 1 dollar... hallo 1 dollar......
- courtesy of the $1 auntie in random MRT stations.

11 Posted by Hello

My First Blog

All rite man.... everybody's blog thingy.. i tink i should have one too... buT... iT's so Damn diffiCulT to usE.... so many funCtionS and i need alot of Time explORE the fUctionS// TiRed, go sLeep