everybody needs to face some serious decision making that's gonna change their future one day. well. to me, this crossroad that i will be facing is coming really soon. in 2 months, if everything's ok and fine.. i'll be graduating, with my bachelor's degree.
well, time to step out of my comfort job of technical support and really go all out to pursue the career i wanna be in. the actual problem is i dunno where and wat i'm gonna do.
friends from local unis will get ppl from different organisations to go to their sch in recruitment drives and they will tentatively get a secured job that comes with a promising future even before they graduate. that's the difference sometimes, between studying part time and full time.. u get all the attention u wan in full time schoolings..
the economic outlook for this year and next year dun look good, well it'll den become quite difficult to leave a job rite now and look for a new one. if i'm really gonna start pursuing my career, it'll mean i need to focus 100% on the prospective new job that I'm gonna be in... hai.... stressed.
so many things to do... so many decisions to make... so little time.
PS: Guys, FYI... Jigu's back. I'm suddenly thinking of planning an OMFC chalet. Will keep u guys posted!