That's it. I've lost the biD....
WoooOoo... it's been a really long time since i last posted.. Here's an update of what i've been up to lately.
1.) Found a rEally gOod book to rEad. It's titled "Anne Frank - The diary of a young girl". This book roCks man. It was first introduced to me by my sEcondaRy school history teaCher back in 2001. It's really a diary written by this girl named Anne Frank, a jew hiding in an Annex during woRld waR II. My love for reading has come baCk man.. ever since Harry Potter - The Order of the Phoenix, i've been reading rEader's Digest all the time, and i think it's getting rather boring. Well, I'm looking forward to my next booK.. "The Da Vincci Code", introduced by Yep, Peir and many otheRs.
2.)Attachment has been fun. Working, meeting new people, doing things that people respect you for. "Whoa.. u sure u are only 20? not bAd man...keep it up!" - and there goes, ur morale will be quite hiGh for the rest of the day. Sometimes u'll get a very relaxed schedule, virtually doing nothing, walk arnd in Shenton Way, helping the other colleagues, slacking in those pantries where u can press for cuppas after cuppas.
3.)Eating gooD fOOd. I think i've been eating really gooD fOod ever since Christmas man. Went for this Dim Sum Buffet thingy in China Square - woOt reALly niCe...Next up, bUffet in BREEKS, not bad 2. But i'm looking forward to the seafOod dinner in M'sia coming aRnd the cOrner.
4.)MLS tournament. The soccer tournament where i was the keeper for the bUs tArts. Made a really fine save. The ball was charging towards the net.. buT the gOal was foileD by my super One-Handed save, tipped it over the bar into twillight zone. Right after that save... I can feel tat i'm attraCted some attention from the cRowd - it fElt quite gooD... but eventually, we lost the damn tournament.
5.) Became a patient of retail therapy. I dunno when it started. buT i think i felt really good rewarding myself with some new stuFf. Bought a qUiksIlver wallet, a qUiksiksiver Shirt and a pair of Nike Delta Force within 2 weEks.. I'm looking fOrward to a Drum Set, Big E Levi's Jeans, moRe quIksilver sTuff, Softball bAt, sOftball Gloves, sOftball ball, converse sNeakers, Livestrong baNd. and many many many moRe.
6.) Ben went in to army. 3 weeks cannot see him. come out already confirm super ugly one. but no choice, his my buddy.
7.)Thinking of forming a banD. nOrmal 3 man band, with a drummer, guitarist and a bassist. we'll play some kOol and niCe songs... thoSe tat i tink are niCe... Next uP, i think i'll starT playing softbaLl... coz i think it's a damn kool sporT. the way u thRow the ball,using the strength from ur wrist. Then ur buDdy cATche sit with a loUd but kooL sounD. The kOol reflexes the pItcher piTch the bAll to the BAtter. The way the refree say "OUT! FOUL! STRIKE!!!!". The way the bases try their best to proteCt themselves. The waY the hOmerun kills the entire opponent. Whoooo!
8.) Yoga was finally relocated.
Well i guess that's about it. I'm 30 pages away from the anne frank and the beginning of the Da Vincci cODe.